Learn to Raise funds and mobilise support!

A 9-steps course to empower the Society

We want to change the world, so we designed tailored e-learning courses to put all the odds on your side! Follow our course and be ready to raise funds and mobilise support at a local level.

Your education matters,
so our courses are

100% free

without commitment

Available in 4 languages

A 9-steps course

Learn the fundraising skills you need, get ready to raise funds and diversify your income!

With our concrete tools and exercises you will calculate all resources needed and identify your potential donors.
Finally, you will have an effective action plan to raise money and present yourself in a convincing manner.

1. Why raise funds locally?

2. Effective fundraising with individuals

3. Effective fundraising with companies

4. Fundraising plan for a project

5. Action plan for a local fundraising event

6. Effective fundraising communications

7. Strong relations with your donors

8. Develop and improve your website

9. Effective documentation

Become a fundraising expert in less than 40 hours

Don’t worry, everything will be explained to you.
With a perfect blend between theory, inspirational examples, practical exercises and video you’ll have all the keys in your hand to raise the funds needed for your organisation.

Learn by Doing, be ready

With an intelligent and practical methodology you will have everything you need to achieve your field work

Our courses are tailored to your needs with a 9-steps framework for beginners as well as experts. We designed practical exercises to let you learn and be prepared while working for your project. 

Build all the components you need

With pre-filled documentations you’ll end-up with:

  • Financial plan and budget for fundraising
  • Structured action plan to raise funds
  • Pre-organised local fundraising event
  • Stakeholders management strategy
  • Improved website
  • Communication strategy and elevator pitch
  • Effective documentation and organisational leaflet
  • And much, much more

Why raise funds locally?

Watch our video and experience a glimpse of our courses!

It will help you understand the benefits of local fundraising from different perspectives and feel confident about developing your own strategy.


Don’t take our word for it:

Follow this course to take control of your own destiny and to put an end to poverty.

Robert Wiggers,
Deputy Director Wilde Ganzenith,

Ready to take your education to the next level ?

Made with Made by love for Change the Game Academy and to support the:

“If you are a socially conscious person, why don’t you run your business in a way that will help achieve social objectives?”
Muhammad Yunus - Nobel Prize winner

Microcredit and Microfinance