Babele Knowledge Hub
Find the latest information about how to run an accelerator program, how to engage stakeholders and all Babele platform updatesGetting Ready to Change
"To the eyes of a child, the world is huge… it looks limitless, full of diversity and of differences that set us apart. With time, we learn that the world has its limits… we learn that we are not that different, as we all strive for the same goals: health, happiness,...
Crowdsourcing social innovation: Towards a more collaborative & conscious capitalism
The paradox of a global economy increasingly unified, and a global society increasingly divided is the most dangerous threat that weighs on the planet, because it makes difficult if not impossible, the cooperation necessary to solve the other problems. We need a bottom up, collaborative and open sourced approach, where people can actively participate in the development, implementation and replication of social good projects. I believe such ecosystem has the potential to accelerate the paradigm shift towards a more sustainable capitalism.
Reinventing social innovation contests for the better
I am a social entrepreneur: e.g. I manage an organization with the big dream to solve the world’s biggest challenges. If your ambition is to solve problems such as eradicate poverty, promote good health and well being, gender equality or quality education, then you...
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