A digital incubator for the guided cocreation of business models
Engagement beyond ideation
We provide a fully fledge incubation program and software to engage key stakeholders in the innovation process, leveraging their collective knowledge to validate and experiment with ideas to radically improve the company social and environmental impact.
Incubation curriculum
The research phase focuses on identifying sustainability driven opportunities related to air and water pollution, social inclusion, gender empowerment, and impact. This phase’s output will provide a range of clear sustainability challenges that the incubation process will tackle.
Business Model Generator
The ideation phase aims to address the identified challenges by leveraging the collective knowledge of strakeholders inside and outside the organization. The ideation is followed by a hackathon – to further develop the ideas into Minimum Viable Solutions and a list of key assumptions to validate.
Innovation network
While quick wins are implemented right away, more complex projects deserve incubation time. Teams work on strategic planning, validating, prototyping and testing the proposed solutions. A large network of strategic advisors participate to the project co-development, end-to-end.
A program to create value for shareholders but also to become a respected leader in social progress.
The idea that global companies can take a leading role in social progress is not wrong; the question is how they can do so in a way that realistically achieves positive social impact and delivers value to their shareholders.
It begins by recognizing that there is money to be made in meeting the world’s challenges — an estimated $12 trillion in new business opportunities from advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
And there is money to be lost from not tackling them because societal failures and climate change can suppress corporate growth and profitability.
Companies that are winning the sustainability battle have created the conditions to incubate sustainability initiatives while engaging employees and key stakeholders in the process.
A digital incubation program and network for your employees to develop new business models
Create a collaborative and organized workspace to manage your accelerator and engage stakeholders in business modeling, online mentoring, e-learning, peer-collaboration, community & event management, KPI tracking, and much more.
Build your program curriculum, for your innovators, mentors and experts
Tailor the program framework, create modules & assignments.
Customize the learning tutorial with glaring examples, videos, and best practices.
Create your templates, to help the entrepreneurs develop a thorough business strategy.
Set deadlines and automatic reminders to keep participants engaged at all time.
Set the program start date and the duration in nr. of weeks;
Set deadlines for all the modules of your program;
Entrepreneurs, mentors, and coaches will receive automatic reminders to keep-up with the program pace.
Ventures’ teams follow an intuitive step-by-step tutorial to get work done.
Teams have access to the tutorials & templates to complete the assignments;
Entrepreneurs can customize privacy access to each module, to crowdsource feedback from the right stakeholders;
They can create tables, embed videos, upload files, and export their work in PDF.
Mentors can track ventures’ progress & performance updates and give feedback.
Mentors and coaches can create a virtual portfolio of the ventures they support;
Each module of the curriculum is a mentorship channel. Mentors can track the teams’ progress and give feedback as appropriate.
Coaching notes can be made available to other ventures, fostering knowledge transfer.
Create your ventures’ directory and cross-pollinate innovation across your network.
All the ventures are accessible from one place. They are tagged based on the program or cohort they belong to – for easier filtering.
Ventures can be organized by country, sector, development stage, and Sustainable Development Goals.
Each venture has a profile with forum, data-room, wall for updates & network.
Startups have a professional profile, that is managed by the core team.
Users can apply to join the team, and become mentors.
The team has a wall where to share progress updates, a light CRM to manage contributors, a shared database, and an area for ad-hoc discussions.
Teams can create discussions to exchange with their mentors and experts.
Teams can create public and private threads to discuss any topic with mentors and peers.
Such threads replace hard-to-follow email chains and keep the conversation on a single page.
The privacy of each discussion is granular: Teams can invite program’s stakeholders or create custom startup’s circles
Organize your network, assign roles and manage communication
You can group stakeholders in Circles: Startups, Mentors, Programme Managers, Hub Leaders…
Filter participants by skills,and allocate them to the right venture, based on the required skills to move forward.
Send messages to individual users and to groups, which will be delivered as emails.
Gather in one place relevant challenges, and foster peer-to- peer collaboration
“Public” startup questions and requests are available in one place, creating a transparent repository of the ventures’ key needs and challenges.
Admins can archive resolved threads, so users focus on the active content, while key learning is never lost.
A repository for files, forms, docs, videos and other relevant program resources.
Upload your important documents: or import them using Gdrive and Dropbox.
Customize the privacy of each file and document, providing access to the right people.
Ventures have their own data-room: to upload market research, financial plan, customer interviews, etc.
Post announcements, centralize updates, and communication in one place
Share relevant updates about the program, content , news, opportunities, together with ventures & mentors requests.
The feed gathers relevant news of the ventures that each user follows an supports.
Participants receives platform & email notifications whenever there are news & reminders.
Define KPIs that you want to track and consolidate the data in one organized place
Set the KPIs, and the frequency of collection from the administrator’s panel.
The ventures post the KPIs from their company profile, and the program admins download the consolidated portfolio performance as a spreadsheet.
Coordinate people effectively based on the results that they achieve overtime.
Track the ventures’ progress and the milestones completed throughout the program.
Monitor which mentors and experts contribute and provide feedback to each module.
Easily follow-up with participants to ensure their continued involvement
Organize events from one place and invite the right people to attend
Create meetigns and events for your bootcamps, workshops and mentorship sessions.
Include the video call link and invite users to attend based on their stakeholders role & circle
Everyone receive an event invitation which syncs with iCal, Outlook and Google Calendar.
Participants can create a professional user profile
Users can write a short bio, add skills and interests, as well as write about their professional experience.
They create their network of influence: they can follow or be followed by other users in the ecosystem.
They can set the notification frequency and format.
- Create a learning environment for business modeling, mentoring and peer collaboration;
- Customize your program framework, assign task, set deadlines and automatic reminders;
- Easily assign mentors to your startups and filter the expertise required by each team;
- Upload links, files, docs and videos, while customizing privacy at every level;
- Track the progress of both startups and mentors, as well as the results they achieve over time;
- Follow our design thinking approach to come up with a powerful plan to engage the network.
- Create a transparent portfolio of the teams you manage and support;
- Track mentees’ progress and performance, and receive email notifications after every update;
- Review business models, help validate key assumptions on each topic of the strategy;
- Join the business challenges that match your skills and competencies;
- Participate to discussions & debates, helping with problem-solving and decision making;
- Sustain change-makers to develop innovative & sustainable solutions for the greater good.
- Work on your accelerator assignments by following an intuitive step-by-step methodology;
- Promptly validate key assumptions thanks to the continued feedback of your support network;
- Organize your network in groups and assign them with different levels of privacy access;
- Post your business challenges and filter experts based on the skills needed to move forward;
- Enjoy a centralized database to upload files, links, videos and other useful documents;
- Share progress and performance updates, such as customer interviews, product iterations, etc.
Fostering global sustainable innovation
Babele is not just a platform, but a collaborative social entrepreneurship ecosystem, connecting innovation programs spread across 5 continents. Engage with a global ecosystem of accelerators, 15000 experts, and 1500+ impact ventures coming from 112 countries. Cross-pollinate ideas with other programs, exchange best practices, connect with external experts and social ventures, and find relevant partners so you can meet your program goals more quickly and effectively.
- — Private workspace
- — Up to 10 ventures per year
- — 1 Program framework
- — 10 GB of file storage
- — Dropbox and Gdrive integration
- — User tutorials in PDF
- — 3 hour of consulting & support
- — Private workspace
- — Up to 20 ventures per year
- — 2 Program frameworks
- — 30 GB of file storage
- — Dropbox and Gdrive integration
- — Organize your networks in sub-groups
- — Discussions forum and challenges
- — User tutorials in PDF
- — 5 hours of consulting & support
- — White-label, private workspace
- — Custom DNS of your company website
- — Multiple Program frameworks
- — Up to 1TB of file storage
- — Separate Database Instance
- — Custom development & integrations
- — Organize your networks in sub-groups
- — Set deadlines & automatic reminders
- — Discussions forum and challenges
- — Calendar events management
- — Dashboard with custom metrics
- — KPIs tracking system
- — Engagement consulting & support